SPSS Amos provides you with powerful and easy-to-use structural equation modeling (SEM) software. Create more realistic models than if you used standard multivariate statistics or multiple regression models alone.
Using Amos, you specify, estimate, assess, and present your model in an intuitive path diagram to show hypothesized relationships among variables.
This enables you to test and confirm the validity of claims such as "value drives loyalty" in minutes, not hours. Build structural equation models with more accuracy than standard multivariate statistics models using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. Gain new insights using observed and latent variables.
Buat yang lagi belajar Statistics di kampusnya,ini software tepat sekali digunakan untuk mengolah data Statistics.
Using Amos, you specify, estimate, assess, and present your model in an intuitive path diagram to show hypothesized relationships among variables.
This enables you to test and confirm the validity of claims such as "value drives loyalty" in minutes, not hours. Build structural equation models with more accuracy than standard multivariate statistics models using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. Gain new insights using observed and latent variables.
Penjelasan Indonesia :
Buat yang lagi belajar Statistics di kampusnya,ini software tepat sekali digunakan untuk mengolah data Statistics.
2 komentar:
wah makasih bgt ya... bermanfaat bgt buat penelitian nih software ^^
ijin sedot...
kok udah ga ada ya filenya... >.<
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